Friday, March 27, 2015

love you mom

"The more I grow old, the more I realise my mom's love for me was the most unconditional and she was my best friend ever"

I believe there is a super sub species to homo sapiens, and all mothers belong to that super sub species...may be it can be "homo sapiens maternalis".

the super sub species are known to have the below qualities which no other human being has:

- live for their offspring selflessly
- their love for their children grows by the minute
- most protective of their children
- provide the best life for their children
- sacrifice their own time, career, happiness, for that of their kids
- never ask for anything in return
- only know the way to "give"
- they seldom complain and even when they complain its only for the good of their children, not themselves...

The list goes on and on and on - I could write for innumerable pages...

This reminds me of the discussion that Phoebe and Joey have in the all time hit TV series "FRIENDS" - - - is there a truly selfless act in this world...

I will have to say yes - - - mother's love for their children is truly selfless.

Each day without complaints, when my mom used to wake up before everyone else in the house, prepare breakfast, take care of my shortcomings, encourage me, motivate me, guide me, mentor me, love me, and make me who I am... there was nothing she expected.

A mother's love for the kid begins even before the baby is born...and lasts through the time and difficulties and differences and many days of joy and many days of sorrow - winding, wearing, weeping, changing, caring, sharing,

Motherhood is the place where all the love begins and ends

A mother understands what her children do not say -

A mother's love perceives no impossibilities - so much so that I can feel her love even from another world!

Love you mom - have a wonderful 57th birthday!

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