Friday, April 13, 2012

Why do top talent leave a corporate?

Top talent leave an organization when they’re badly managed and the organization is confusing and uninspiring.*

1. Big Company Bureaucracy. This is probably the #1 reason we hear after the fact from disenchanted employees. However, it’s usually a reason that masks the real reason. No one likes rules that make no sense. But, when top talent is complaining along these lines, it’s usually a sign that they didn’t feel as if they had a say in these rules. They were simply told to follow along and get with the program. No voice in the process and really talented people say “check please”.

2. Failing to Find a Project for the Talent that Ignites Their Passion. Big companies have many moving parts — by definition. Therefore, they usually don’t have people going around to their best and brightest asking them if they’re enjoying their current projects or if they want to work on something new that they’re really interested in which would help the company. HR people are usually too busy keeping up with other things to get into this. The bosses are also usually tapped out on time and this becomes a “nice to have” rather than “must have” conversation. However, unless you see it as a “must have,” say adios to some of your best people. Top talent isn’t driven by money and power, but by the opportunity to be a part of something huge, that will change the world, and for which they are really passionate. Big companies usually never spend the time to figure this out with those people.

3. Poor Annual Performance Reviews. You would be amazed at how many companies do not do a very effective job at annual performance reviews. Or, if they have them, they are rushed through, with a form quickly filled out and sent off to HR, and back to real work. The impression this leaves with the employee is that my boss — and, therefore, the company — isn’t really interested in my long-term future here. If you’re talented enough, why stay? This one leads into #4….

4. No Discussion around Career Development. Here’s a secret for most bosses: most employees don’t know what they’ll be doing in 5 years. In our experience, about less than 5% of people could tell you if you asked. However, everyone wants to have a discussion with you about their future. Most bosses never engage with their employees about where they want to go in their careers — even the top talent. This represents a huge opportunity for you and your organization if you do bring it up. Our best clients have separate annual discussions with their employees — apart from their annual or bi-annual performance review meetings — to discuss succession planning or career development. If your best people know that you think there’s a path for them going forward, they’ll be more likely to hang around.

5. Shifting Whims/Strategic Priorities. I applaud companies trying to build an incubator or “brickhouse” around their talent, by giving them new exciting projects to work on. The challenge for most organizations is not setting up a strategic priority, like establishing an incubator, but sticking with it a year or two from now. Top talent hates to be “jerked around.” If you commit to a project that they will be heading up, you’ve got to give them enough opportunity to deliver what they’ve promised.

6. Lack of Accountability and/or telling them how to do their Jobs. Although you can’t “jerk around” top talent, it’s a mistake to treat top talent leading a project as “untouchable.” We’re not saying that you need to get into anyone’s business or telling them what to do. However, top talent demands accountability from others and doesn’t mind being held accountable for their projects. Therefore, have regular touch points with your best people as they work through their projects. They’ll appreciate your insights/observations/suggestions — as long as they don’t spill over into preaching.

7. Top Talent likes other Top Talent. What are the rest of the people around your top talent like? Many organizations keep some people on the payroll that rationally shouldn’t be there. You’ll get a litany of rationales explaining why when you ask. “It’s too hard to find a replacement for him/her….” “Now’s not the time….” However, doing exit interviews with the best people leaving big companies you often hear how they were turned off by some of their former “team mates.” If you want to keep your best people, make sure they’re surrounded by other great people.

8. The Missing Vision Thing. This might sound obvious, but is the future of your organization exciting? What strategy are you executing? What is the vision you want this talented person to fulfill? Did they have a say/input into this vision? If the answer is no, there’s work to do — and fast.
9. Lack of Open-Mindedness. The best people want to share their ideas and have them listened to. However, a lot of companies have a vision/strategy which they are trying to execute against — and, often find opposing voices to this strategy as an annoyance and a sign that someone’s not a “team player.” If all the best people are leaving and disagreeing with the strategy, you’re left with a bunch of “yes” people saying the same things to each other. You’ve got to be able to listen to others’ points of view — always incorporating the best parts of these new suggestions.

10. Who’s the Boss? If a few people have recently quit at your company who report to the same boss, it’s likely not a coincidence. We’ll often get asked to come in and “fix” someone who’s a great sales person, engineer, or is a founder, but who is driving everyone around them “nuts.” We can try, but unfortunately, executive coaching usually only works 33% of the time in these cases. You’re better off trying to find another spot for them in the organization — or, at the very least, not overseeing your high-potential talent that you want to keep.

It’s never a one-way street. Top talent has to assume some responsibility as much as the organization. However, with the scarcity of talent — which will only increase in the next 5 years — Smart Organizations are ones who get out in front of these ten things, rather than wait for their people to come to them, asking to implement this list.
1) Create an organization where those who manage others are hired for their ability to manage well, supported to get even better at managing, and held accountable and rewarded for doing so.
2) Then be clear about what you’re trying to accomplish as an organization – not only in terms of financial goals, but in a more three-dimensional way. What’s your purpose; what do you aspire to bring to the world? What kind of a culture do you want to create in order to do that?  What will the organization look, feel and sound like if you’re embodying that mission and culture?  How will you measure success?  And then, once you’ve clarified your hoped-for future, consistently focus on keeping that vision top of mind and working together to achieve it.
I’ve worked with client organizations that do those two things, and people stay and thrive.  I’ve worked with and observed client organizations that don’t – and it’s a revolving door.  And that’s true at all levels – not just for “top talent.”
It’s fascinating to me: Why don’t more CEOs and their teams make sure these two things happen in their organizations?  What do you think?

* It is a compilation of the analysis done by Erika Andersen and Erick Jackson from  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Employee benefits and corporates - a compilation!

For many of us, the most important factor in considering a job offer is salary. For others, job security is of primary importance. Also high on the list of considerations are benefits and perks. When considering perks, the desire to work in a comfortable, casual environment where employees can set their own work schedule, have an option to telecommute, and where there is a casual dress code, are all important. For many of us, the most important factor in considering a job offer is salary. For others, job security is of primary importance. Also high on the list of considerations are benefits and perks. When considering perks, the desire to work in a comfortable, casual environment where employees can set their own work schedule, have an option to telecommute, and where there is a casual dress code, are all important.
Typical Employee Benefit Packages
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the average number of annual paid holidays is 10. The average amount of vacation days are 9.4 after a year of service. Almost half the (medium and large) employers surveyed offered either a defined benefit or a defined contribution pension plan. About 75% offered health insurance but, almost as many, required some employee contribution towards the cost. It's not hard to look at the averages and see how your employer or your job offer measures up. What complicates matters is the increasing use of bonuses, perks and incentives by employers to recruit and retain employees. Look at the companies rated the best places to work and you'll discover many offer health club memberships, flexible schedules, day care, tuition reimbursement, and even on-site dry cleaning.
Surveys have found 65 percent of employers believe that perks help to attract employees. The average number of perks offered by companies range from 3.38 perks at the smallest employers to 5.20 perks at firms with over 5000 employees. A sure sign that employers are paying attention to the importance of added benefits is the fact that the most frequently offered perks mirror the most frequently desired perks - casual dress and flexible work hours. Some companies even offer a few options that I wasn't aware of on the list including bringing your pet to work, concierge services and take home meals.
How to Evaluate Perks
As you can see there is no standard list of perks that you can measure your job offer against. What you'll need to do is evaluate each offer on its merits - the salary, the benefits and the perks, and determine how those perks will benefit you. If you don't plan on having children for a while or if your children are grown, it's not that important whether on-site child care is offered. Parents should check to see if the company provides paid time-off if your child is sick. It's a benefit none of us couldn't have done without when our son or daughter is/was a baby!
If you absolutely have to work-out every day, look for employers who offer a gym membership. Not a morning person? Ask about flexible hours. Can't stand wearing a suit? Ask about dress code. And it is important to ask, not all perks will be offered to all employees nor will they be mentioned during an interview. Consider which perks would complement your life style and your needs and choose accordingly.