Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kal kya hoga?

The only question that is lingering on the minds of people around me today is "Kal kya hoga?"

The reason being again, a section of the people who want a separate state for their region are going on a protest...but there is a difference. This time the creative heads of protesting groups have come up with a novel and unique way of pressurizing the central government..."Million March"

There is no clear cut communication from any one in the government or the corporate sector. But everyone is expected to work as usual, as if nothing is wrong, as if it is just another day...actually this has become common practice.

Every Hyderabadi (by this I mean every person living in Hyderabad irrespective of the time he has stayed in Hyderabad) is now used to these kind of much so that offices have ready made Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) to execute so that business goes on without getting affected by the protests. People have a ready made plan for their personal life as well...a friend of mine is using his Personal Leave to good effect and taking tomorrow and Friday off to go for a long weekend vacation, another is planning to come to the office early and leave late...while the other is planning to work from home.
All these just at the drop of a hat! One just has to hear the word Protest and things flow in well planned precision.

I just have some questions which I am sure a lot of Hyderabadis (those living in Hyderabad as well as those who have a bond with this wonderful city) have as well!

Where are we headed with these protests?
When are these protests going to end?
When is peace going to be a guarantee for 30 days continuously?
When is the Central Government going to get out of its Vote Bank Politics and take a decision?
When will the State Government make us feel comfortable again in our own backyard?
When will the Police concentrate on eradicating crime, which by the way is on the rise in our city and state, rather than provide protection to public property during protests?
When will the Decision come?

I seriously, couldn't care much about what decision the Government takes, as I am sure that the state of political affairs of AP have come to a new low and people's lives will never matter to the powers to be as long as Vote Bank politics rule decision making.

But what I do care about is why is there so much neglect towards a state which has more than 30 MPs from the ruling party...
why is there no one concerned about the deteriorating investments in the state?

To give a separate state or not! that is no longer the question!!!

To decide, irrespective of whether a separate state is given or not, is the important thing to do!!!

IF it gets too late, then I am sure, Egypt's influence on the Arab world will not take much time to rub off on the people of AP.

Humanly yours
D Abhivaktha