Monday, September 26, 2011

Dreams - do they really come true?

"Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy". 
Sigmund Freud

Last night I dreamt of the future...not just my future but the future of our world. A world where adults are so happy that they smile like children. The distinctive character of a child's smile being the innocence. If you ever noticed the smile that a child has the innocence and tenderness that makes everyone shower love and be affectionate.

Neither am I an interpreter of dreams, nor am I a seer who predicts the future...all I long to see in this world is harmony, peace and love towards each other.

As we grow up we must have definitely seen several instances when people used the slightest of opportunity to break into a fight or have an argument with one another...if the same focus is laid on being positive and waiting for the slimmest opportunity to show love, to share, to be kind to each other...will it not make a huge difference. 

Most people have this great worry in their head "If people knew what I am in reality, they would all hate me". And then the path is laid to reach the pseudo aims or targets which have only one result, negativity. As the initial path was laid on the foundation of negativity, it is but obvious that there is no better goal to be reached than chaos.

And on this path we find road rage, fights, abuses, frustrations, family bickering, hen pecked husbands, tortured wives, direction-less youth, aimless bureaucrats, selfish opportunists, fame hungry celebs, who are ruining the society. 

But if you look at it from another angle, I believe our generation has a huge opportunity here to make the world a better place.

If each person, irrespective of race, caste, community, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age, colour etc. has the time to think of What future are we going to pass on to our next generation?, then the human angle to life will see the light of the day.

It is not that everyone is born selfish and greedy and unkind. It is just that the relentless pursuit of material things that turns humans beings into beings without humanity. 

We think we know, but do we understand why the innocence of a child is so precious? The wisdom of these things is what is worth pursuing, yet we get caught up in the "wisdom of the world" which teaches us we are something we are not. No wonder there is so much treachery and pain in the world. The constant demand that we become something we were never supposed to be overwhelms every mind that makes such a demand.

Our next challenge is not conquering outer space, world peace, global warming or feeding the world . It is not protecting the world economy or our environment. The next challenge that we have today is preserving something that we all are born with and it needs to be re-introduced into the world each time a child passes the threshold from childhood to adulthood. That trait that is so cherished is nothing but "love". The same love which helps us in being the human that we need to be. This is the challenge for this millennium. Spreading the message of love.

Small changes in our day to day activities can have a huge impact on the future of our human race.

I'm in no way saying that one needs to let go off the pursuit of wealth to know the true meaning of life...

All I am saying is if each one of us spends five minutes in a day just to think what we can do to change the day from being dull and morose to being happy and content for everyone around us, I think we will all make a huge difference.

for eg. while driving your car to the office, if there is someone who is trying to cross the road, we can slow down and stop for a minute to allow the pedestrians to cross;
while buying some food at a canteen if we find someone begging for food, we can buy them a meal;
while working in the office if there is someone who is unable to get his work done, we can help them out to finish their task;
if our parents or elders want to visit a relative or a place of worship or a library , we can spend some time fulfilling their small wish, 
if our neighbour is in some trouble, we can spend some time to hear them out and understand their trouble.

There are hundreds of such examples  and if each one tries do their bit, I am sure that  not only can we dream of a better place but we can also expect such dreams to come true!!!

"Heal the world...make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race" - MJ

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kal kya hoga?

The only question that is lingering on the minds of people around me today is "Kal kya hoga?"

The reason being again, a section of the people who want a separate state for their region are going on a protest...but there is a difference. This time the creative heads of protesting groups have come up with a novel and unique way of pressurizing the central government..."Million March"

There is no clear cut communication from any one in the government or the corporate sector. But everyone is expected to work as usual, as if nothing is wrong, as if it is just another day...actually this has become common practice.

Every Hyderabadi (by this I mean every person living in Hyderabad irrespective of the time he has stayed in Hyderabad) is now used to these kind of much so that offices have ready made Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) to execute so that business goes on without getting affected by the protests. People have a ready made plan for their personal life as well...a friend of mine is using his Personal Leave to good effect and taking tomorrow and Friday off to go for a long weekend vacation, another is planning to come to the office early and leave late...while the other is planning to work from home.
All these just at the drop of a hat! One just has to hear the word Protest and things flow in well planned precision.

I just have some questions which I am sure a lot of Hyderabadis (those living in Hyderabad as well as those who have a bond with this wonderful city) have as well!

Where are we headed with these protests?
When are these protests going to end?
When is peace going to be a guarantee for 30 days continuously?
When is the Central Government going to get out of its Vote Bank Politics and take a decision?
When will the State Government make us feel comfortable again in our own backyard?
When will the Police concentrate on eradicating crime, which by the way is on the rise in our city and state, rather than provide protection to public property during protests?
When will the Decision come?

I seriously, couldn't care much about what decision the Government takes, as I am sure that the state of political affairs of AP have come to a new low and people's lives will never matter to the powers to be as long as Vote Bank politics rule decision making.

But what I do care about is why is there so much neglect towards a state which has more than 30 MPs from the ruling party...
why is there no one concerned about the deteriorating investments in the state?

To give a separate state or not! that is no longer the question!!!

To decide, irrespective of whether a separate state is given or not, is the important thing to do!!!

IF it gets too late, then I am sure, Egypt's influence on the Arab world will not take much time to rub off on the people of AP.

Humanly yours
D Abhivaktha